Sunday, October 26, 2008

1st out of class Observation

  • Things in my micro-aquarium had changed alot since my last observation the week before.
  • The ostracod crustea's population had nearly doubled to somewhere between 20-25. They are now scattered across the whole tank, where as before they were concentrated into a small community. 
  • The Cladoceran have increased as well, im not a hundred percent sure but i think that i saw 4-6 of these small creatures zipping around the aquarium.
  • The observation that I am most pleased with is my unidentified worm, pictured above, from my previous observation. I identified the translucent worm as a Aelosoma, in the book Fresh Water Biology. This book  was very helpful and im sure that I will be referencing it in my project report.
  • A food pellet will be added to my aquarium this week, so I must keep this in my when making my next observation so I can see how it effects the organisms in my micro-aquarium.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nate's MicroAquarium

  • I drew water from tank #8, I also included plants A & B in my micro-aquarium.
  • On wednesday October 15 I did my first observation. In my micro-aquarium i viewed a number of organisms. The most prevalent by far of these organisms were the Crustacea Ostracod. I estimated about 10-12 of these organisms were in my aquarium. These tiny bean shaped organisms were moving quite rapidly and seemed to stay for the most part near the bottom where all the debris laid.
  • The organism I found most interesting in my aquarium was the Cladoceran. This clear organism was much bigger than the Crustacea Ostracod, but it appeared that there was only one of these organisms present. It seemed to have no preference for where it liked to chill, it was constantly moving all over the aquarium. Ones of these organisms is pictured to the left.
  • The last organism I observed I have still not identified. This was a kind of worm. It was rather large compared to the Crustacea Ostracod, and like the Cladoceran it was also translucent. It moved slowly which led me to believe it was not a nematode. It also seemed to prefer staying near the bottom of the aquarium.