Sunday, October 26, 2008

1st out of class Observation

  • Things in my micro-aquarium had changed alot since my last observation the week before.
  • The ostracod crustea's population had nearly doubled to somewhere between 20-25. They are now scattered across the whole tank, where as before they were concentrated into a small community. 
  • The Cladoceran have increased as well, im not a hundred percent sure but i think that i saw 4-6 of these small creatures zipping around the aquarium.
  • The observation that I am most pleased with is my unidentified worm, pictured above, from my previous observation. I identified the translucent worm as a Aelosoma, in the book Fresh Water Biology. This book  was very helpful and im sure that I will be referencing it in my project report.
  • A food pellet will be added to my aquarium this week, so I must keep this in my when making my next observation so I can see how it effects the organisms in my micro-aquarium.

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