Monday, November 10, 2008

3rd out of class Observation

  • With only one observation left, my micro-aquarium and the organisms within it seem to be thriving in their new environment.
  • My Aelosoma population continues to boom. I now estimate their are somewhere between 10-15 of this "bristle worms" living amongst the debris in the bottom of the aquarium. It is hard to predict the exact number of these organisms when one considers that they usually stay hidden in the sludge. I was able, while doing some research to find a helpful site called
  • My Ostracod Crustae population is still expanding as well, but it is harder to estimate the number since these organism are prevalent throughout the aquarium, but in any case i estimates somewhere around 30-40 organisms. 
  • I am still quite displeased that in my 3rd observation i still cannot find my Cladoceran, that i previously viewed in the aquarium, it is possible that it, or they, have died off, or that i just cannot find it considering it rapid movements and tendency to not stay in one particular area. It is also possible that I mearly misclassified this organism, but i think that is highly unlikely considering its unique appearance and the fact that Steve Furches assisted me in my classification of the organism on our first day of creating the micro-aquariums. I am now dedicating my final observation to finding this organism and seeing, or ruling out its present existence.

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